

Phil, nothing but Phil.

— phil_joe
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North Korean Cheerleaders at the Winter Olympics 1 comments
phil_joe · 7 years ago
Well, just about less than 40 years ago, when I was a little boy in China, we were educated in that way too: Orchestrated greeting to some foreign VIPs visiting the town or some national/international sports games, or even some political parade (yes, we were even allowed to take part in the parades organized by the communist party then). So this is really not something strange to Chinese like me.
Samurai "Bob Ross" style painting 1 comments
phil_joe · 7 years ago
It's actually a Chinese artistic tech which is called "internal drawing" with a history of 300 years. And what the painter drew is a Chinese ancient general leading his troops towards battle ahead, not a Japanese Samurai. The armour, weapon, and the style of the army flag are typical Chinese ancient style.
90 year old man with his 90 year old finger 1 comments
phil_joe · 7 years ago
Well, that was famous in China 30 years ago, only to be revealed fake later: there is some kind of support and holding system behind this monk and the camera angle hid it.
Cat beats up lion 1 comments
phil_joe · 7 years ago
It's a tiger actually. And funny thing is that in Chinese legends Cats taught Tigers everything except climbing trees... and that saved them from being eaten by Tigers.
Thousand drones at the Winter Olympics 1 comments
phil_joe · 7 years ago
Later news revealed it's a pre-recorded video footage, not a live real one. Shame! Same as Beijing's "big-foot-fireworks" in 2008.
So this is amazing - Highlight from the 1st China National Wushu Games 1 comments
phil_joe · 7 years ago
Well, it's really fantastic performing. The cadets studied those choreographies very hard in the schools, trying to win a medal or two and joining the Kung-fu film industries. However, it's not working if you are really trying to protect yourself with this.
This is Chen, Chen hates window 1 comments
phil_joe · 7 years ago
Just to clarify: The letters in the poster in the back, are Koreans. So it's very likely that this is a TV commercial in Korean about anti-burglary window frame things.
Cutting Rolls of toilet paper 1 comments
phil_joe · 7 years ago
I can tell it's in China... Very dangerous working environment. This is how "Made in China" occupies the world market.
Meanwhile in China 1 comments
phil_joe · 7 years ago
It's actually some day in August in a small part of southern China...Typhoon is so powerful!
Current Chinese Surveillance System are something out a sci-fi film 1 comments
phil_joe · 7 years ago
Yeah, we don't have our Snowden but we already knew we've been living under surveillance for a decade at least.
River surfing on the Eisbach river in Munich 1 comments
phil_joe · 7 years ago
I actually saw it with my own eyes there. Quite amazing there are so many surfers in such an inland city! They do know how to have fun!
Fast warriors 1 comments
phil_joe · 7 years ago
It's China's "Kungfu"-martial art. But what you see here is merely for performance and so-called "competition", which is not practical at all.
The Fosun Foundation building in Shanghai has a dynamic facade consisting of 3 layers of b 1 comments
phil_joe · 7 years ago
It's just an animation. It's just a design. Not being built yet.
Not something you see every day 1 comments
phil_joe · 7 years ago
It's a real video footage in China. Because it's quite rare that vehicles give ways to passengers, even on the zebra lines--see the other one driving on the right thru without slowing down. So many Chinese netizens are saying this old man is paying gratitudes to the driver for not killing him.
Kinetic building in Shanghai 1 comments
phil_joe · 7 years ago
Well, I think this is probably a presentation animation. I've been living in Shanghai for 40+ years but never heard of such a thing.
The elevater at work lets you deselect floor number! Isn't that what we've all been waitin 1 comments
phil_joe · 7 years ago
But... all Mitsubishi's allow you to cancel the button by double pressing it as quick as you can... and the first time I used this function was in 2005.
Asian bus driver being Asian 1 comments
phil_joe · 7 years ago
I am almost pretty certain this is taken on a bus in China.
True lies 1 comments
phil_joe · 7 years ago
His hands are really SMALL.
Darkness falling as a hurricane descends in Kazakhstan 1 comments
phil_joe · 7 years ago
Hurricane in Kazakhstan? It's a land-locked country, thousands miles away from the nearest sea or ocean. It's sandstorm actually.
Teacher punished students 1 comments
phil_joe · 7 years ago
This is definitely in China. The buildings, the clothes are all common in 2nd or 3rd tier cities, though I am not ruling out the possibly it happens some times in the larger city in Shanghai, Beijing, or Guangzhou.
Chinese art 1 comments
phil_joe · 7 years ago
While the letters are Chinese characters, the name they assemble is a metal work in Japan. Yes, there are many Chinese characters used in Japanese.
Police without guns 1 comments
phil_joe · 7 years ago
It won't happen in China for at least our police always have chopsticks along with them. ^!^
Precision skipping 1 comments
phil_joe · 7 years ago
It used to be a common exercise of students when I was a highschool boy 30 years ago. Now they make it an showing-off of military forces? (In China, fire department is part of Armed Police, which is a branch of military forces.)
Leg badminton 1 comments
phil_joe · 7 years ago
It's actually an adapted version of Jianzi in China ( Tens of thousands of children play it here. When I was young, we even invented group competitions like volleyballs. It was the cheapest sports we could have at that time. Sweet memories.
Crowd in Japan 1 comments
phil_joe · 8 years ago
The title is wrong. It's Korean characters. And Koreans, especially the North Koreans are very good at doing it. However, this looks like South Korean students as they display English and Chinese characters, which are usually banned in the north.