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A never seen way to heat your bed 2 comments
· 6 years ago
It's very common in the countryside of Northern China. The real type is that the underneath of the bed is connected to the oven so you only need to push the burning ashes towards the direction of the bed from the oven, when you are done cooking. That also means the oven is right behind the bed, being separated by a wall. And when it comes to chilly winter, the bed is the only place being heated so they even have their meals in the bed. This kind of bed, is called "?" in Chinese.
Aggressive pack of dogs try to gang up on man 2 comments
· 7 years ago
Drunk fuckwit trying to attack a group of playful tail-wagging dogs and falling on his ass instead.
Couch that converts to a bunk bed 176 comments
Wedding Photos in China are insane 1 comments
Gee I wonder why... LOL 45 comments
· 5 years ago
Just to prove him right. They pulled him over because they thought it was an invitation.
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